Monday 9 July 2012

“He's just not that into you”

Have you ever been the victim of unreciprocated love? You’re not alone J Don’t you just love how the girl/boy of your dreams is always the one that is totally unimpressed by you? While every other gal/guy who you are completely uninterested in keeps giving you the eye! Its lame! There is nothing that’ll make a person so nauseous so quickly as when all your passion and expectation is met with an icy bucket of… indifference (I know this is rom-com territory but stick with me folks).

I have stolen my topic here from Dr Phil (Don’t judge, I was busy fixing something in someone’s house a long time ago and it was on their telly, ok?!) His advice to all the discontented females of America was that if their man didn’t worship them like a demi-god then the chances are that he is “just not that into you”. His counsel to all these disenchanted damsels was that they should dump such traitorous men and move on to the next suitor who would reciprocate their love in kind! (Audience cue: wild cheering and wipe the streaming tears from your face).

Like this
For men its worse (it always is J ). There comes that moment of truth for every courageous guy when he realises that its time to stop acting like a baby by sitting on all these repressed emotions, its time to communicate to his princess just exactly how he feels, even if he doesn’t have a clue whether or not she feels the same way. I compare this event to another love of mine which my adrenaline-hungry streak drives me to – kloofing (jumping off of cliffs into rock pools). It’s like that moment when I take a step into the fresh air and my stomach lurches up as I hang momentarily suspended by… nothing. Then gravity pulls down hard on my ankles. It’s the sickening feeling of uncertainty. The time has come to bare your soul and put yourself at the mercy of another. I console myself with platitudes like “no pain, no gain” (cheesy but true J ).

So why do we put ourselves through this torture? Are we suckers for punishment? I guess the thrill of what could be far outweighs the potential embarrassment and pain that rejection might bring. My housemate always reminds me that if a girl is truly worthwhile then a real man should have the courage to make the first step (she’s right of course).

So we all know how Jesus feels then. Remember that time when the creator-God who controls the universe, bared his soul completely and put his affections on public display? It was the boldest act of unashamed love that humanity has ever witnessed, and it was done in the face of mockers who scorned and cursed him. And still he hung there, refusing to withdraw his wide open arms. He made the first brave step and he made his intentions toward us so unequivocal that even a deaf person could hear him. He’s still saying today: I love you, will you love me too? His heart is in your hands. Will you love him back or will you also leave him hanging? Cos that’s how much he’s into you.

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