Sunday 25 December 2011

Lessons well learned in 2011

Lesson 1: Don’t ever pursue “intentional friendships”. In fact, don’t even mention those two words together in 2012.
(Despite any advice to the contrary, it’s preferable to keep friendships as unintentional as possible. If you must pursue a friendship, it would be wise to do so completely unintentionally so as to keep the friendship as random and unintentional as possible.)

Lesson 2: Don’t refuse someone money if they beg from you.
(Forget what you may have heard me or anyone else tell you in this regard. I had a ruffian almost knock my block off when I chose “sustainable development” over hand-outs, he just didn’t see the wisdom in my thinking.)

Lesson 3: Don’t give the papers for your vehicle to someone else before they have given you full payment.
(I know right? Which idiot would do that?! Pffft!)

Lesson 4: Don’t leave home… ever.
(Leaving home and pursuing your “independence” is very over-rated. I visited home again recently and realised that I should never have left. Too late now though.)

Lesson 5: Think twice before allowing a volunteer to “help out” in the class if she’s a model in her spare time and you work in a boys-only school.
(No matter how fascinating and engaging my lessons were, the boys just weren’t that interested any more.)

CAUTION: These “lessons” were shared with you for humorous purposes and should not be applied directly to any real-life situation that you may find yourself in. If you do not find the abovementioned "lessons" humourous that is probably because you do not laugh at the misfortunes of others, which is a good thing, and I admire you for that.

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