Thursday 22 December 2011

Things we dont tell our children

The information which is probably most important to human kind is the same information which we don’t tell our kids anymore. The fact that a human being is made up of three inseparable parts: the body, the soul and the spirit. Neglecting to teach them this seemingly trivial detail has had the most devastating effect.

Most people are familiar with the first two parts of the human being: the body and the soul. The body is the most observable of our three parts and so it receives special attention. The soul is commonly known for what it produces – emotions. However, the third and equally integral part of our makeup, the spirit, is grossly underappreciated and is most often discarded onto that giant garbage heap called “religion”.

What we should teach them is that the spirit part of our being is the thumb-print of our heavenly father and creator! It is our spiritual DNA. It is this intrinsic spiritual capacity that distinguishes us from the rest of the beasts of nature and it is because of it that we can interact with our invisible Father. Our spiritual nature has been disregarded for so long that many people have begun to act like animals.

By ignoring our spiritual essence and denying what we really are we have not ceased to be any less spiritual, however, we have merely cut ourselves off from the rest of our spiritual family and now find ourselves stranded and orphaned in this earth with no place for our restless spirits to call home.

It moves me to tears to see so many orphans all around, just like I once was. I know the wretched feeling only too well, the empty, lonely pangs of all those who have not yet found the love of God because they have not yet learned that humans are more than primal beasts of nature, we are spiritual sons and daughters of a living, loving God.

Because of our neglect, most children will grow up tragically ignorant of the only love which is completely true, the irrevocable, irreversible, unequivocal, irrepressible, unquenchable love which comes from God, who is a spirit-being. They are thus deprived of the only immortal love which outlives every other love, the love which is stronger than death, more faithful than a brother, more tender than a mother, more intimate than a lover; a love fiercer than fire. They never learn of the love which covers our sins, overflows every container and quells every fear.

It’s a crying shame.

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