Thursday 5 January 2012

Demon Psychology

Not many people have ever seen a demon. I haven’t. In fact, at the moment in history when Satan was making his biggest move to exact his revenge on God by killing his son Jesus, we still don’t read of any instances where Satan or his demons appeared in person. I don’t know why Satan and his scum don’t do their own dirty work, but it seems they prefer to get people to do it for them. This is a strategy they have used from the creation of the world up until the present day. In fact, before there was a corrupted human to do his bidding, Satan spoke using an animal! The snake in the garden was Satan’s vehicle of choice, but since the fall he has, unfortunately, found no shortage of humans to voice his thoughts and perform his evil deeds for him.

No, instead of unleashing his evil hordes on the earth to destroy us with swords and spears, Satan prefers the more subtle weapons of deception and doubt. His aim is to steal from us, kill us and destroy us. Sometimes he does this through sickness and death but more often he does it through his human “agents” on this earth. Satan breeds destructive desires inside of us by deceiving us into believing that what we are doing is best for us. The unfortunate reality is that those desires will ultimately lead to our loss or death and probably cause the same for many around us.

“Aha! That’s inception!” you say [For those who have not watched the film, “inception” is to plant an idea in someone else’s subconscious.] Well, I don’t think that is too far from the truth. Satan manipulates our thoughts and emotions by feeding our subconscious fears and selfish inclinations.

We [humans] believe Satan when he quietly whispers to us that other cultures are inferior to ours because they are different, and so we destroy the fabric of our own society and kill each other. We agree when he tells us that it’s a “dog eat dog world”, and so we lie, cheat and steal in the market place. We go along with his suggestion that the partner we are with now is not good enough anymore, and so we find someone else and destroy our own marriages. We agree with him that our “right to choose” is more important than a baby’s life, and so we kill our own children. We believe his lies that we are worthless and wretched, and so we even kill ourselves. Worst of all, we believe him when he tells us that God is a control-freak that always wants to spoil our fun, make us feel bad and punish us for the bad things we do.

When we believe the deceptions of Satan we become his agents and we wreak hurt and harm on ourselves and other people. In the end, Satan temporarily killed his arch-rival – Jesus by using the “religious leaders” of that day. He fed their minds with hypocrisy, envy and pride and turned them into agents to kill Jesus. Sin is bad because it kills us. Sin is what we think and do when we believe the self-destructing lies of Satan. Ultimately, it is only the truth of the resurrected Christ that can cut through all these lies. His truth “sets us free”.

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