Tuesday 21 May 2013

Spiritual Angst (Life after truth)

Fortunately, we all seem to be born with a massive magnet sitting in our soul. It’s like a hidden longing. It pulls us towards something… We are not too sure where or what it is pulling us towards. It just feels like whatever this thing is that our soul craves, it is always out of reach. I know this feeling well. Sometimes the pull can threaten to ruin everything. Even meaning itself.

The pull is easy to misinterpret. It is easy to attribute this discontent to something that we don’t have. Maybe the job that we want or the girl we don’t have yet. It could be anything really, how would we know? We check these things off the list one by one but the indomitable monster is still hungry.

But I have been thinking about life after truth. A person can get so used to living life in the uneasy truce between what our soul is craving and the emptiness that we have come to expect. When we unexpectedly stumble across the person of Christ it can take awhile to adjust! The new-found peace itself is so unusual that it is a bit unnerving.

Life after truth doesn’t mean the end of the spiritual quest. If we are not careful we can even slump back into a morbid outlook on life that is not consistent with our new world-view. I still don’t have all my answers, I still feel really confused and disappointed sometimes. But here is the difference, I have met the man called Truth. I know that all my answers are hidden in Christ. There is a dawning hope.

Lewis said it best when he said [I paraphrase] that coming to Christ is like coming into the sun. Not only can I see the light of the sun, but by its light I see the world. Finding Christ is not just finding meaning. He is the one that makes life meaningful to me. It is his companionship that feeds the longing in my soul, and it is his wisdom that gives me understanding about the world around me.

The other day I came home from a surf feeling disappointed. But it was more than just a bad surf. It was like my life had started to felt empty and meaningless. As I lay in the bath I began to pray in tongues and thank my heavenly father for his companionship. As I did this it was like I had taken a shot of brandy. It was like my soul, my whole being, began to warm. I felt safe in good company. When I left my house again I walked with purpose in my step and joy in my heart. This is the new life with God’s Spirit. It’s the quest without the angst. I’m still looking for truth. I still experience spiritual longing. But I know where to start looking and who is going to help me find comfort. I know that my longing will be completely satisfied when I am home with Christ.

“And he made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, in the hope that they might feel their way toward him and find him. Yet he is actually not far from each one of us”. – Acts 17:26

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