Monday 20 February 2012


Yep, there’s nothing quite like a good ol’ skop, skiet en donder, that’s what I say. I’m always a bit cautious about a guy that is watching rom-com’s all the time (unless he’s with his girl-friend, then there’s absolutely no need to explain). While I was lying on my back suffering from the man-flu today, I was watching one such “guy-flick” and I got to thinking… Why do guys like guy-flicks and chicks like chick-flicks? After much careful contemplation I still don’t have much to report on the chick-flick question (maybe some ladies can unravel that mystery for me), but I do have some thoughts about guy-flicks.

Guys have a built in love for justice. There is nothing that grates a godly man more than the sight of injustice. The quickest way to get a guy riled up is to let him see some woman, child or defenceless man getting violently harmed. It’s instinctive. All the blood in his body rushes to his head and then to every other part of his body and it’ll take a very persuasive person to convince him to sit down again and do nothing!

Sometimes this characteristic in men is seen as pride, arrogance or a love for violence, and sometimes that is exactly what it is. In godly men, however, this characteristic is often their God-given love for justice that’s getting riled up. God loves justice and he hates seeing bad-guys getting away with murder. He has put this same passion inside of men and wants them to stand up for justice. That’s the reason why Liam Neeson, Bruce Willis, Mel Gibson, Sylvester Stallone, Chuck Norris (he should probably go on his own list) and the rest of those heroic fellows will forever have a special place in my heart. There is something so deeply gratifying about watching Stallone let off that final hail of lead from his high-powered automatic rifle into the motley crowd of evil scum, or Bruce getting that last boot in which sends the bad guy hurtling down the cliff. Swift justice! I only wish it were always that simple. 

David and his warriors found themselves living a scene from The Patriot when they came home and found their villiage “destroyed by fire and their wives and sons and daughters taken captive.” (1 Sam 30) David did what all godly men should do in such a situation; he submitted his grief to God. God told him to pursue the bad guys, and that’s what he did. When he found them we read that, “David fought them [the bad guys] from dusk until the evening of the next day, and none of them got away…” Lets just say that he didn’t pursue a “diplomatic solution”.

Now I’m not advocating vigilantism. “Vengeance is the Lord’s”, and he does it best, but justice is worth fighting for and it is men’s battle to fight. We are to fight it wherever we find it, and fight it the best way we know how. We know that Christ’s first coming was to show us the way to be reconciled to the father and now he is being very patient in delaying his second coming. When Christ comes the second time we know that he will be riding “a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns… He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.” (Rev 19:11-) Boooyahh!!!

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