Saturday 24 September 2011

My 5 Favourite Things About God

(In no particular order)

1. One of God’s most endearing qualities to me is his sentimentality. God is the kind of person that enjoys feel-good movies. You know those dramas where the handsome, good guy kicks the ugly, bad guy’s butt and makes off with the beautiful girl and they both live happily ever after? Yeah, one of those films. How do I know that? Well, just read the end of the Bible, its all there. There’s nothing God loves so much as a happy ending. Almost every drama I’ve experienced in my life which I committed to God in prayer ended happily (some are still pending:-). Maybe you think that’s corny, but I think that’s a great quality in a person who is God.

2. I love the way God loves me. I have several friends who think I’m incredible. They love me so much I could almost call them fan-friends. They gush with praise every time I’m with them, I can hardly do anything wrong. In fact when I’m with them even I begin to believe I’m amazing J God is one of those friends. He believes the best of me and speaks such wonderful things over my life that I actually become a better person. Whenever I feel down I remind myself of how precious God’s love for me is.

3. I’m really beginning to love God’s attention to detail. It’s a characteristic I’m not particularly good at. Here is a recent example. My car broke down the other day (again) and so I was left stranded without a car (again). I was super stressed-out. While I was going for a jog I started lifting the situation up to God in prayer, praying for God’s favour in finding a newer car. I was thinking that I’d like to find a newish Opel Corsa, soon! While I was running I distinctly heard God asking me what colour I wanted. “What colour?!” I said. I just laughed out loud. Flip, I just wanted one that worked! And there God was asking me what colour I wanted. As ridiculous as the question was, I answered that I’d like a silver one, please (black is my favourite but its too hot). And true as nuts, that’s exactly what I got! (I signed for it the next day) He got me a beautiful silver Corsa.

4. I love his faithfulness. When you’ve been in a relationship long enough you begin to appreciate this quality. It’s easy to gush with passion for a short while but a sincere, caring, faithful friend is a rare treasure. I love that God has proven his love and care for me so many times that I could write a book (maybe one day I will, I probably should). I have such precious stories to tell of God’s goodness to me that I want to cry when I hear them, never mind the person I’m telling the story to!

5. I love when I can feel him with me. When I’m worshiping him I can suddenly feel him so close to me and I can see him with my eyes of faith. It’s like time stands still for a while, and every part of me gets filled with his precious presence. I feel so full! I don’t fear anything anymore, I don’t worry. I don’t feel lonely, I just feel love, love, love, and joy which I can’t describe. He gives me heaven on earth. Yeah, that’s probably my favourite thing about God, just being with him.

1 comment:

  1. So enjoyed reading this- made me stop and think of my 'most favourite' things about God, which left me with a fully thankful heart! Thanks for sharing (:
